Saturday, 27 December 2014

Christmas Day & My First Blue Box

The Christmas period is filled with love, family, laughter, kindness, giving, very bad cracker jokes and food… lots of food !! The saying "eyes bigger than my belly" definitely comes to mind, haha.

It is half one on the day after boxing day and I'm still currently in my new pyjamas recovering from a food coma !! All I can say is that I'm certainly looking forward to starting off 2015 healthily.

Aside from my actual age being 15, the 5 year old inside of me always pays a visit during christmas. I started off the morning waking up at 5:30 am to then wake my little brother (who is 8 years younger than me) up so we could open up our stockings that 'father christmas' left us. So 20 minutes later we were all three meters deep in wrapping paper and presents and begging to go down downstairs to see if 'father christmas' left us the 'main presents'. Which he did. 

I got my first 'blue box' !! I'm so grateful for the Rubedo (rose gold) heart tag pendant necklace. I'm so in love with it. 

I was also lucky enough to get the Victoria Secret London 2014 robe, which I am also obsessed with. 

I am so grateful for all my other presents, especially one… 

My grandma got my tickets to attend LONDON FASHION WEEKEND !!!! How cool !! The minute I saw it my mind already started planning my outfit. eeekkk, my smile is identical to the cheshire cats right now !!

Im also so thankful for the family I got the spend Christmas and Boxing day with. 

I hope everyone had a wonderful christmas filled with laughter and happiness.

Christmas Kisses,
Maija Lily Xx 



  1. It sounds like you had a great Christmas! Love Tiffanys:)

    1. I did , I hope you had a lovely Christmas too !!

      Maija Lily X x

  2. How fun is the VS gown? Love it!
    xx Jenelle

    1. It really is so nice !! Deferently one of my favourite presents !!

      Maija Lily X x


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