Saturday, 20 June 2015

Confessions of an Over-packer

So I have an exciting three day trip coming up, but here's the catch; only hand luggage! So being the indecisive person that I am I know that a bit of effort is going to have to be taken in order for me to fit minimal clothes in a small carry on suitcase. 

I'm pretty sure overpacking is either in your genes or it's not... I've inherited the curse from my mum who also doesn't quite understand the idea of 'travelling lightly', haha. If you are also cursed; you will understand the questions that run through your head whilst packing. 

"What if the weather isn't nice, I'll need a few cardigans"

"We're only going for one week but I'll definitely need enough clothes for 3 weeks... Just in case"

You know what I mean, right !?

So I've been brainstorming on some ways for us over packers to finally learn how to 'travel lightly' or 'lighter'. 
Tip 1. Pre plan outfits; the biggest mistake you can make when packing is not pre planning outfits as you end up throwing random items in your suitcase 'just in case'. So the best thing to do is to look up the weather for the period of time your going away and then lay out outfits on your floor. I'm going for three days so I'm going to take four or five outfits (give me a little leeway remember I'm a recovering Over-packer). An app I often use when planning out outfits is polyvore it allows you to copy and paste a piece of clothing from any website so you can get an idea of what a whole outfit it will look like. 

Tip 2. This is a tip that my cousin told me and I've seen around a lot recently - it's rolling up your clothes. When my cousin told me this I was a bit confused as I thought "wouldn't that just wrinkle your clothes" but apparently not so this will definitely be a tip I'll be using for my upcoming trip so I can hopefully fit more in my little suitcase.

Tip 3. Always remember shoes are heavy so it's always best to keep to minimal pairs of shoes, especially on short trips. If your going on a beach holidays your most likely to pack sandals and very light shoes yet on my short trip I will be doing a lot of walking so I will mostly likely take a pair of slip ons or something comfy - something that will also match with most outfits.

Tip 4. Toiletries; wherever your going they will always have shampoo, conditioner and body wash, so remember if they're taking up too much space buy them when your at your destination.

Tip 5. And lastly we have to totally erase the phrase "just in case" from our brains as we will most likely never need that "just in case" jumper or pair of jeans. 

I hope everyone has a lovely summer, where are you taking a holiday to this year ? I'm currently counting down the days till mine begins.

Maija Lily Xx


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