Monday, 2 March 2015

London Fashion Weekend

The second I found out I had tickets to LFWend my mind immediately went into a virtual shopping mode, thinking of every possible outfit I could wear. Yet I left it thinking… 'New York and London fashion week will be just before you can get inspiration from them' and yet in true 'Maija form' I left it to the day before to get my outfit. After spending around two hours in Zara going in and out of the changing rooms like a yo-yo I finally found the perfect outfit and left my local shopping centre at around 10:30pm. All worth it though, haha.

London Fashion Weekend is an event held at Somerset house by Vodafone, the british fashion council and this year it was sponsored by meaning in certain catwalks clothes were provided from the company. It is a fashion show which is held the weekend after London fashion week yet unlike LFW which on most occasions you have to be personally invited to; LFWend is open to the public to buy tickets for, and luckily I was able to get tickets, thanks to my Grandma. 

It was an early start, the first catwalk being at 10:30am. As soon as we got there I was overwhelmed by people just like me… obsessed with fashion! I was looking from right to left taking at all the outfits people had put together around me. Some I loved and mentally made a point to try and recreate, some I didn't love so much, yet all the outfits were so unique. It was amazing, the diversity in style. 

Before we could enter the event my mum had to get her coffee fix, but after that we entered and was met by a gigantic sign, just incase we didn't know where we were, haha.

The First Catwalk was a Trend show, it showed four different trends for the upcoming spring/summer seasons, all outfits provided by

The first trend shown was 'Hyper Florals' and I'm totally loving it, I mean florals are always an essential in every wardrobe especially in spring yet the floral prints shown were much more bold than the typical girly florals and I can't wait to invest in some 'hyper Floral' pieces into my wardrobe.

The next trend was 'Make it Monochrome' which was surprising as normally as soon as it hits the spring season all the bright colours that weren't used in winter are brought out, yet I'm not complaining as I thing some of the best classy, chic outfits consist of just just black and white.

The third trend for spring/summer shown in the trend catwalk was 'Shimmer & Shine' which represented pure girly chic pastels and iridescent pieces. A trend no S/S wardrobe can go without. 

And last but not at all least, 'That Seventies Show', quite possibly my favourite trend on the catwalk. There were numerous gasps of horror when it was stated that flares and fringe were returning but I say bring it, I think it's gonna be a crazy cool trend that will be really cool to mix with more modern trends.

The first Catwalk show lasted for around 30-45 minutes so we had plenty of time to walk around Somerset House before the next show which was at 1:30am. Some of the rooms inside the Somerset building was filled with different upcoming brands so my mum and I decided to wonder around and take a peak. We also picked up our 'goodie bags' which consisted of lots of cute bits and bobs. I also got some new pumps from a brand called 'French Sole' which I had actually heard of before as there is a small shop just off of New Bond street in London. As the lady helping me said; they are rather "Chanel esk".

After walking around a little more we headed to the next Catwalk after realising a little bit of a queue was building up. After going in and getting settled in our front row seats the show began. This catwalk was a designer catwalk showing the works of the American designer Halston Heritage. There was a little documentary on Halston before it began and I was rather intrigued after learning he designed many outfits for the likes of Jackie Kennedy and many other famous people of the past.

How gorgeous are all those pieces !! 

I also found a little quiet part of the Somerset House grounds to take my outfit Pictures.

shirt - Zara
Skirt - Zara
Blanket cape - Topshop
Boots - Zara
Bag - Balenciaga

I had the best day ever, I like to think of it as a little taster to what the future could have in mind for me, hopefully. Thankyou so so much to my grandma for getting me the tickets, my first ever fashion show!

Check out my instagram @maijalily for a few videos I put up of some of the looks. 

Maija Lily Xx

Comment your favourite's of the looks I have shown.



  1. What a great idea! Looks like an amazing event, thanks for sharing it! Love your looks girl:)


    1. Thank you, it really was a great day out and the fashion was amazing !!


  2. Looks like you had a great time, love your outfit too!! xx

    1. Thankyou !! It really was a great experience, and the runway clothes were amazing.

      Maija Lily Xx


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